Objects and media used in Edirom Online
General things…
If an MEI file is considered to be a work object or not, is defined in getLinkTarget.xql
), which says: the XML file is a work document, if it is in the MEI namespace and there is a work
element in the header.
declare namespace mei="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei";
if(exists($doc//mei:mei) and exists($doc//mei:work))
Music notation
A music notation object in Edirom Online is used for digital representations of documents with notated music (manuscripts, prints, …) and born digital musical compositions encoded in MEI.
If an MEI file is considered to be a music notation object or not, is defined in getLinkTarget.xql
), which says: the XML file is a music notation document, if it is in the MEI namespace, it is not a work object (see definition of a work object) and there is a source
element in the header.
declare namespace mei="http://www.music-encoding.org/ns/mei";
if(exists($doc//mei:mei) and exists($doc//mei:source))
The title of a music notation object is expected to be defined in $doc//mei:source/mei:titleStmt/data(mei:title[1])
Validation of music notation object
You can check your MEI file and it's handling in Edirom Online with this XSLT script:
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The XQuery getLinkTarget.xql
) also defines which views are available for a music notation object.